Welcome to
Autosurf Australia has recently been added to the great autosurf network with sponsorship from uni.me and adf.ly. The great autosurf network will eventually have a website for every country personalised to the user habbits of the people of that nation, While the sites will carry all the same features you will notice the following differences Page Text, Images, Menu Ordering, Special Offers and Sponsors. This New way of organising our users will allow people to target there websites to specific countryies of show them already, So get ready to be part of the greatest movement in web advertising in over a decade! Remember you can use the same username and password on all the sites in our network and id like to take this moment to say thanks to all our existing members from oz and welcome all the new ones.Steve Driver, Autosurf Admin
This site is a tool that will help you grow your Twitter, Soundcloud, Delicious, StumbleUpon, Facebook, Google, YouTube, Digg, Pinterest, Reverbnation, Dribbble, Vimeo, Friendfeed, Gamespot, Qik, Myspace, Flattr and Websites for FREE. We allow you to pick and choose who you want to follow, like, friend or view, allowing you to skip those who you're not interested.
All exchange features are fully functional! Enjoy your YouTube, views, website views and more!